Big Things

Beside my desk, I have this quote. It reminds me, especially this time of year, that big goals (new year's resolutions!) and the best things often start out as a very small idea.

In fact, for me, those ideas are more like a glimmer of a thought than even an idea. It just floats around in my head until one day, in the midst of something often unrelated, the idea pops into words. And I quickly scribble the idea down.

The ideas are often about BuyChimes, as we dream of new projects for this family business. Sometimes we grow the ideas, and they quickly become "not that great in reality" ideas. But occasionally, we lean and nurture ideas into "wow, this really worked!" ideas.

I was reminded by a friend yesterday that although you can plan and prepare ideas for success, you never really know which ideas will grow into the big things - until you begin. A good reminder - thank you, Laura.

Welcome 2020 and all the small seeds of ideas that you bring!

Got an idea for BuyChimes?  A way we could better meet your needs for personalized wind chimes? We'd love to hear from you. Call toll free - 877-293-6395 -or email [email protected].